An ideal alternative to surgery, pain medication and steroid injections

No need for undesirable side effects and risks…

Our team has collaborated with the leading doctors from around the world to offer you an exciting new tool to promote natural healing without the need for surgery or injections. We are one of the few US clinics to offer this!

 What is Shockwave Treatment?

A popular treatment therapy for professional athletes, shockwave works by targeting the cells directly in the area that trigger your pain and prevent healing. Initially developed to break up kidney stones, research shows that many orthopedic injuries improve with in as little as 3-5 shockwave sessions.

 What Conditions Does it Treat?

Shockwave Therapy is used to for many orthopedic conditions including:

Plantar fasciitis (heel spurs)

Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee)

Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)

Shoulder tendinitis

Stress fractures

Muscle strains & tears

 How Does Shockwave Treatment Reduce Pain?

Shockwaves interrupt the pain pathways of your body’s inflamed nerves. By focusing on the cellular level, this leads to the restoration of healthy nerve function and promotes new blood vessel growth to facilitate natural healing.

How Many Treatments Are Recommended And At What Intervals?

Typically, a total of just 3-5 treatment sessions are recommended. Some patients report immediate pain relief, but natural healing of injured tissue occurs approximately 8 weeks following treatment. Between treatments, patients are able to resume regular activities as tolerated.

Is Shockwave Treatment Safe?

Yes! You will be in a comfortable position while the treatment is happening. We encourage you to be a part of your treatment by communicating where you feel the pain. There are no needles involved. There is no anesthesia required.

 Are There Side Effects?

One of the main benefits of shockwave therapy is that it’s low risk. You receive the therapy “outside the body” instead of invasive surgery. Depending on the diagnosis patients may experience mild temporary discomfort during treatment as we seek out painful regions to desensitize them. The shockwaves are directed at the point of maximum symptoms to optimize healing.

 Does Insurance Cover ESWT?

ESWT is a cost effective treatment but is not recognized by insurance. More info on ESWT is available at:

Disclaimer: Our healthcare practitioners use products and perform therapies cleared for general use by the United States Food and Drug Administration, but specific indications for treatment have not be evaluated and reviewed by the FDA. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care physician prior to undergoing a cell therapy.

 ESWT Treatment Studies:

There’s an abundance of published research to support its use, including double blind randomized controlled studies. To highlight just a few, 250 patients with Plantar Fasciitis were divided into groups and the ones that received ESWT experienced significant reduction in pain compared to those that did not.

In a study with MRI evidence of bone marrow inflammation in the knee joint as seen on MRI, there was statistically significant reduction of this finding on MRI at 6 months followed by complete resolution on MRI at 12 months after receiving ESWT. Bone inflammation (termed bony edema) has been found to be predictive of more significant pain levels in patients having knee arthritis and its resolution on MRI correlates with pain reduction and functional improvement.